Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Day - 36. Hamilton Island (6)

Today is our wedding anniversary (48 years) so thought we would drop in to the church to renew our vows πŸ’•, then out for a seafood dinner tonight to celebrate. 🍾 🍷 🎼🎹🎷.  The view from the church captures most of what Hamilton Island has to offer.  It is a great place to spend a week, especially with family.

The Yacht Club at Hamilton Island

"Wild Oats" yacht waiting for its next race.

We found the church on the hill at Hamilton Island.  It is quite small and in a very pretty location.  It was built to commemorate a 21 year old pilot who was shot down over Germany in 1944.  His father owned Hamilton Island from 1925 to 1950.

The view over the main beach from the church.

The marina with the airport behind to the right.

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