Monday, August 1, 2016

Day - 20. Port Douglas (2)

Day started off ok with warm weather in Port Douglas, breakfast on the deck and a trip to Mosman Gorge.  Got to the gorge , jumped on the bus and then the heavens opened up.  Walked along the raging river and everyboby got completely drenched.      This is a beautiful area but the rain wrecked the day.
Then down to the beach at Port Douglas and sunshine all the way.  Up to the lookout and shopping again and a great meal on the deck in 25 degree weather,  just perfect.
Sorry Melb. But it is so warm and enjoyable here that you should all head north every winter.

Mosman Gorge in the mist, still a great, place to visit.

The world renowned 4 Mile beach at Port Douglas.

Same beach from the lookout

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