Monday, July 25, 2016

Day - 13. Wongalinga (2)

Back to yesterday, we picked up our hire car at Cairns.  It is a white Toyota Corolla, extremely comfortable, and the console seems quite familiar.  We travelled through very green fields of banana plantations, and tropical vegetation.  Everywhere we look seems to be so green compared to what we see in Victoria.  

This new area at Wongalin Beach is very beautiful with a wide flat and solid beach, and gentle waves breaking on the shore.  Just across the dark blue sea is Dunk Island and several other islands which are available to visit.  

This area is renowned for the endangered Cassowary Bird - a beautiful non-flying bird up to one metre tall which vaguely resembles an emu.  There are road signs everywhere warning motorists to be cautious and avoid hitting one crossing the road.

So far we have had no mosquitoes or flies, so we can leave our windows open and fans operating to provide comfortable breezes whilst in our apartment.  The max temperature today was 28 degrees, minimum 20 degrees overnight.

This photo does not do justice to the magnificent view last night as the moon rose in the east over the ocean.

P our 

Our Apartment is on the left, right on the beach, with great views.

The view from our front lawn across the beach to Dunk Island.

Beach views are common here but they are hard to get used to !!

A few wallabies along the road to Wongaling Beach.

Cassowary signs are everywhere.  Many are killed by cars and domestic dogs.

The view down to Hinchinbrook Island looking south.

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