Thursday, August 4, 2016

Day - 23. Port Douglas (5)

A quiet and relaxing day today, including chores in preparation for our departure for Palm Cove tomorrow morning.  We washed clothes, turned on the dishwasher, and went shopping for Coral Trout and oysters for dinner and meat meals to take with us.  Tonight will be the task of trying to stuff everything into suitcases and boxes for the drive to the next apartment.  

We drove to the Mirage Resort for a sticky beak (Judy went to a conference there many years ago), had a look at the Wildlife Habitat centre, the Marina where day trippers were returning from an all-day outing on the water, and a last look at Macrossan Street.  At the Wildlife centre an employee was hand feeding a female baby kangaroo with a bottle of water - she was so cute with a very pretty face.

The Mirage Resort is slowly being upgraded.  It is still an elaborate and grand establishment.

The waterfall in the Mirage complex.

The park at the entrance to the marina in Port Douglas.

Looking across the river to the mud flats at low tide.

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