Saturday, September 3, 2016

Day - 53. Port Macquarie (4)

The Uniting Church holds a market once a month, which was today.  We visited just for fun, enjoyed the church band playing, and ended up buying two (cheap) canvases to grace our walls at home.  Also a $4 maxi-skirt which may not fit.  In any case we have made donations to benefit the church.

Mid afternoon we took a walk through the caravan park and along the rock wall.  It was very windy and cool, but refreshing to be in the outdoors.

Scattered throughout the town are MANY koala statues, each about 1m tall.  All have been attractively painted and decorated, so perhaps there is some kind of competition for "best koala" in Port Macquarie.

The church band playing at the market today.

The bagpiper and the band playing a Scottish number.

One of the many decorated "koala statues".

The rooftop of our building has a hot tub, BBQ and deck furniture.

View of the caravan park looking across the breakwater to another sandy beach.

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